For two years from mid-2018, Amalie worked full-time on the Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments (RISE) project.
Based at Monash University in Melbourne, RISE is an action-research program working at the intersections of health, environment, and water and sanitation.
The program is trialling a new water sensitive approach to water and sanitation management in 24 informal settlements across Makassar, Indonesia and Suva, Fiji.
Working with communities, governments, local leaders and partner institutions, RISE is co-designing location-specific solutions that integrate green infrastructure, such as constructed wetlands, to strengthen the whole-of-life water and sanitation cycle.
For most of her time with the project, Amalie was the focal point between Melbourne and Suva for the forward-planning of the green infrastructure interventions. This included liaising with in-country consultants and approving agencies, and supporting the local team with prototyping, plant propagation, green infrastructure training, and planning for community co-design activities.
In Makassar Amalie has also been involved developing site servicing options for all 12 sites, participation in co-design activities, and assisting with urban design and public realm integration during detailed design and documentation.
RISE brings together people from diverse backgrounds and experience from 25 Partner Organisations, including: Monash University, Stanford University, Emory University, Cambridge University, Wellcome Trust, Fiji National University, and UNHAS.
Amalie was fortunate to spend time with RISE colleagues specialising in public health, infectious disease, microbiology, ecology, environmental science, community development, and engagement, as well as engineering and design. She was warmly welcomed in Makassar and Suva, most particularly by the residents of the settlements, whose patience and generosity is truly remarkable.
More information is available on the RISE website.
Aerial view of Muanivatu settlement, Suva.
Image: RISE.
Pages from the 2019 Annual Report.
Image and full report: RISE website.
With community members and team at the conclusion of PANRITA (community co-design activities) in Kampung Gampancayya, Makassar.
Image: RISE.