We are honoured to have opportunities to share our work.
Commissioned videos and filmed presentations.
February 2020: Small Creek Naturalisation Stage 1 and 2. A short video along the Small Creek corridor, with aerial photography showing the new waterway, establishing planting, and people using the pathways. Commissioned by Bligh Tanner, and captured by Airborn Insight. Watch it here.
October 2018: Big Plans for Small Creek - codesign and community. Commissioned by Water by Design, for Healthy Land and Water, and created by Jack Mulally of Ideanthro. Watch it here.
May 2018: Big Plans for Small Creek. UQ Architecture lecture series, State Library of Queensland. Watch it here.
May 2018: Big Plans for Small Creek: confidently doubting towards the future. NZILA Firth Conference, Auckland. Watch it here.
August 2014: TEDxQUT The Power and Potential of Parks. Watch it here.
Keynote, industry and public presentations.
Water Sensitive Upgrading Strategies, Pacific Urban Forum, Nadi, Fiji, July 2019.
Big Plans for Small Creek, AILA National Conference, October 2017.
300 Snags and a Week in a Tent, Keynote, Stormwater Queensland and IECA National Conference, October 2017.
Justify or Bust: exploring the benefits of parks, Keynote, Parks and Leisure Australia WA Conference, June 2016.
Link, Shrink, Stink, Blink: parks as agents of change, Opening Keynote, Parks and Leisure Australia Queensland Conference, June 2015.
Outside Matters, Science in the Online Pub, Healthy Waterways, March 2015.
Parks Can Change the World, presentation to Department of Architecture, University of Tasmania, March 2015.
Studio 217, In The Field, ABC Radio National By Design, November 2014
Future Park, Pecha Kucha, Brisbane Powerhouse, March 2014
Interview and panel discussion, ABC Radio National Life Matters, February 2014
Living Leftovers: living rooftops and the rise in greening ‘leftover’ spaces, Clever Convention, The Edge, State Library of Queensland, February 2014
Co-location parks: bringing people and urban water infrastructure together, Keynote Presentation, WSUD Conference, November 2013
Play Today, then Gone Away: temporary parks and people places, Brisbane Open House, October 2012
Beautiful Parks, AILA Better Parks Forum, July 2012
Play Today, Away Tomorrow: Installation parks as part of a new wave of city park making, ICTC Conference, Hobart, October 2011
Green Park, Brown Park, Future Park, AILA National Conference, Brisbane, August 2011
Subtropical Urbanism – the future is green, Brisbane Development Association, September 2009
The Subtropical City Park – Changing Roles for Changing Times, Subtropical Cities Conference, September 2008
Articles, Amalie’s book, and press interviews.
Rising Challenge, Landscape Australia magazine, May 2020. here.
Repair: Venice Biennale edition, Landscape Australia, featuring Small Creek, August 2018.
Imagining tomorrow’s urban parks, ABC Environment Page, March 2014.
Where will our future city parks come from? Design Online, Asia Pacific Design Library, State Library of Queensland, October 2013.
A walk through the parks of the future, interview with ECOS Magazine, October 2013.
Future Park: imagining tomorrow’s urban parks, CSIRO Publishing, September 2013.