Good things come in threes
Take primary colours, the three little pigs (and their good lessons for architects), Harry, Ron and Hermione (yes!), 3D, and how about 'three sheets to the wind'.
Speaking of which, today we are popping the champagne corks to celebrate 3 years of Landscapology.
Here’s a roundup of a few things that have happened in that time – the Landscapology version of the Annual Report, if you will:
Plants Planted
over 600: each tree = 10 plants.
Project Locations
In Queensland: from Bundaberg to the Gold Coast, and west to Toogoolawah...
...and many locations across Brisbane.
Soapboxes Stood Upon
15: conference presentations, public talks & uni lectures.
Meat Trays Won
Sadly, none, but 5 peer awards from the AIA and AILA.
Fab Clients
Loads: we only exist because of you.
“No man is sane who does not know how to be insane on proper occasions.”
What's Next
Planting is underway at the Toogoolawah Condensery.
This project has seen the packing shed at the former Anglo-Swiss/Nestle Condensed Milk Factory in Toogoolawah (above) converted into an art gallery and community building.
We worked with Converge Heritage & Community and PHAB Architects, and developed a landscape master plan for the building and its immediate setting. The initial planting has been done in conjunction with the building works and it’s hoped that the council and community will add to this over time.
We have a garden project in Bardon about to start work on site, a couple more due to start construction later this year, and many more in the concept design stage.
We are also about to kick off another project with our friends at Healthy Waterways – it’s early days, so more on that soon.
In addition to lots of great project work I’m really happy to be back on the Queensland Executive for AILA, the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, and to be fronting up again this semester for tutoring duties at QUT.
Every fortnight I thank you for reading, and the sentiment is truly heartfelt. In a world of unrelenting e-bombardment it’s a privilege to drop into your inbox.
Thank-you for your support. I welcome your comments, suggestions and thoughts, and look forward to sharing the ongoing adventure with you.