Identifying barriers to collaboration in Water Sensitive Urban Design
Madonna Thompson, Amalie Wright, Katie Fletcher and Sally Boer during the robust audience Q&A session!
Some 140 people gathered on September 9th for the first in a series of ongoing events. Jointly organised by the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects, Stormwater Queensland and Engineers Australia, the event - ‘BBG23’ - brought together a broad and diverse group of interested people, including design professionals and planners, funding and maintenance organisations, and educators and researchers.
Amalie (representing ‘Green’) was one of four speakers invited to give a brief scene-setting presentation before an afternoon of workshopping and discussion. Also presenting were civil engineer Katie Fletcher (‘Grey’), freshwater ecologist Sally Boer (‘Blue’), and Madonna Thompson, a member of the Jagera People who works extensively with Aboriginal Communities in South East Queensland (SEQ) with a particular focus on developing and sharing traditional knowledge about management of the State’s natural resources and environment.
There was a palpable excitement in the room, and outputs are being collated and analysed for a forthcoming White Paper.
Baffling the audience members there for the discussions on hydraulic roughness…